Actually, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Boyfriend Looks Like A Hot Slice Of Sexy Dick Pie

This tweet has been going around for a couple of days and I wasnt going to say anything about it because I avoid talking about politics on the blog.

That being said, we cannot get to the point as a society where we denounce extremely attractive men as unattractive simply because of the fact that they are men. This dude is hot as fuck. There’s no ifs ands or buts about it. He looks fantastic. I’d spread him on a cracker like he was honey butter.

I mean, what else could you possibly want from a guy that AOC’s boyfriend? He’s not too skinny. He’s wearing glasses. He’s got a great auburn beard. He’s probably packing HEAT in his britches. He loves the color purple (also my favorite color).

He’s the complete package but I dont wanna speak for everyone so let’s put it to the poll.

Click to answer. Would you fuck AOC’s boyfriend:


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